01223 518330

Northfield Avenue, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB4 2HU


King's Hedges Educational Federation

Excellence, achieved through care, creativity and challenge.

King's Hedges Educational Federation

Excellence, achieved through care, creativity and challenge.


Welcome to Nursery!

(w/b 15th April)

This week, we welcomed some new friends to our nursery! We revisited our class rules, shared some fun facts about ourselves and talked about all of the different feelings we might have when we first come to nursery or when we come back after the holidays.

Link Letter

Theme Vocabulary 


(w/b 25th March)

This week, we finally said hello to Spring (and hopefully some warmer weather!). We went on a walk around the school to search for signs of spring, talked about how the seasons change, learnt about baby animals that are born in spring, and we even had a visit from the Easter Bunny who hid numbered eggs around the nursery playground for us to find!

Link Letter

Theme Vocabulary

To Market, To Market!

(w/b 18th March )

This week, we explored the different kinds of produce that are available at greengrocers and supermarkets. We discussed where we can find these shops in the local area, talked about our favourite fruits and vegetables and did some print painting with different kinds of fruits and vegetables.

Link Letter

Theme Vocabulary

Roots and Shoots

(w/b 11th March) 

This week’s learning was all about how things grow!

We had lots of fun exploring the different parts of plants, what plants need to grow and we even

grew and tried our own cress!

Link Letter

Theme Vocabulary

Pants Safety

(w/b 4th March) 

‘Pants Safety’ is a theme that we revisit several times throughout the year. To help us explore the importance of pants safety we used the story 'Aliens Love Underpants', as well as the ‘Pantosaurus’ song! We explored the difference between good touches, such as a hug, and bad touches, such as using unkind hands.  During this theme, we also spoke about trusted people that we can talk to at nursery and at home.

Link Letter

Theme Vocabulary

We Love Books

(w/b 27th February) 

Throughout this theme, we read and talked about lots of different books by the author Julia Donaldson, such as 'The Gruffalo', 'Room on the Broom', 'The Snail and the Whale', 'What the Ladybird Heard' and 'Stick Man'. We made our own book covers, using Julia Donaldson books as inspiration. We discussed what their stories might be about and what we might want to include on our book covers. We also created butterfly handprint pictures based on the butterfly from the book 'Monkey Puzzle' which is a favourite in Nursery!

Link Letter

Theme Vocabulary

Ways to Say 'I Love You'

(w/b 12th February) 

This week we have been exploring our emotions.  We have learnt about the different feelings and emotions that we have and how we can recognise them.  We discussed the people that we love and how we can show that we love them. We made a Valentines themed biscuit as one of our adult-led activities and discussed who we might share our biscuit with at home. We also made symmetrical hearts by painting one side of the heart and folding it in half. 

Link Letter

Theme Vocabulary

Where We Live

(w/b 5th February) 

For this theme, we learnt about our local area and the homes that we live in.  We then the story of the Three Little Pigs and discussed the best materials to make houses from. For our adult-led activities we went on a local area walk and discussed the buildings we could see- we tried to huff and puff and blow the houses down, but we didn’t quite manage it!  We also designed our own front doors and practiced writing our house numbers on them.

Link Letter

Theme Vocabulary

Art & Artists

(w/b 22nd January) 

This week, we have been exploring the theme of ‘Art and Artists’. We have been looking at how we can use colour and shape to create art, and how colours can be mixed to create new ones. The children have really enjoyed being creative and making their own art, as well as looking at the works of artists such as Kandinsky. We are looking forward to continuing this theme next week, where we will be using our ‘maths eyes’ to explore art and artists.

Link Letter

Theme Vocabulary

Welcome to Nursery

(w/b 8th January) 

This week in nursery, we have welcomed lots of new friends and enjoyed helping them to settle in to our school. We have learnt lots of new names, discussed the different areas of the classroom and how we can play in them and had fun decorating our names. 

Link Letter

Theme Vocabulary


(w/b 11th December) 

This week we have been Christmas we have been decorating our classroom Christmas tree and seeing how many baubles we can fit into different size boxes and stockings. We read the story book My cat likes to hide in boxes and we hid curiosity cat in boxes around the classroom so the children could try and find him. In the art lab we decorated snowflakes with different media along with writing in Christmas cards in the writing lab. Last but not least we preformed in front of parents singing the Christmas songs that we have been learning and it was AMAZING!!!! parents came back to Nursery afterwards for mince pies and hot chocolate it was so lovely to see so many parents attend.

Theme Vocabulary


(w/b 4th December) 

This week we have been learning about Winter, we have had lots of fun in and out of the classroom  especially as it has been a frosty week and we saw the ice outside. We designed our own hats, scarfs and gloves with different media and we also matched mittens and did some winter puzzles. The children really enjoyed The Stick Man story and were able to re tell the story by using Sticks and pretending to be the stick man they even used masks saying "Stick man Stick man I'm Stick man thats me! In our role play area we had a Winter Wonderland the children had so much fun using the pretend snowball and dressing up in warm clothes they also looked in the pretend snow to find Artic animals.

Link Letter

Theme Vocabulary


(w/b 27th November) 

This week we have been learning about Transport w have had so much fun looking at all the different types of transport from vehicles on the road the vehicles up in the air, we leaned there are many ways to travel. we have also coloured in hot air balloons with a photo of the children inside which they thoroughly enjoyed doing. We also went out side of school to do a traffic survey we saw, busses, cars, bikes, motorbikes and vans and we used a tally chart to record what we had seen. In the Art lab we made tyre tacks out of cars by putting the cars wheels in paint and rolling them onto paper and even had a bike shop in our Role play area so we could fix the bikes that were broken. We looked at how wheels work on toy cars and pushed them to see how far they travelled, we sang transport songs and read the book "What I do best" which was very exciting.

Link Letter

Theme Vocabulary

Being Healthy

(w/b 20th November) 

This week we have been learning about "Being Healthy" we have enjoyed using the gym in the classroom along with learning all about healthy foods, We have even cut out pictures of food to make a healthy meal and made a healthy pizza. We read  2 books this week Oliver's vegetable and Oliver's fruit salad in which the children enjoyed very much.

Link Letter

Theme Vocabulary

Pants Safety Week

(w/b 13th November) 

This week we have been learning about PANTS and how to keep safe, the children have enjoyed designing their own pants by using different coloured paints and making their own Alien headbands from the book Aliens Love Underpants. In the Role play area we had a Space station where the children had to find the wanted Aliens around the classroom they even built a rocket out of cardboard boxes. The children have also been learning the Pantasouras song and we are hoping they have sang this song to you at home!

Link Letter

Theme Vocabulary

Sensational Senses 

(w/b 6th November) 

This week we have been learning all about Sensational Senses, we have learnt that we have 5 senses and we know what each sense does. We have been food tasting bitter, sour, salty, savoury and sweet it was quite clear the children did not like the lemon or the Grapefruit but enjoyed all the other foods. we have sang songs and read the Polar Bear, Polar Bear what can you hear? book, the children enjoyed accessing the classroom and using their hands to feel all the different textures and seeing what they could see with their eyes open and closed, they especially enjoyed the Calming Corner where they could relax and look at the fish swimming and the different lights around the classroom they have had a very enjoyable week.

Link letter

Theme vocabulary

Apples & Pumpkins 

(w/b 30th October) 

This week we have been learning about Apples and Pumpkins we have been using magnifying glasses to see what is inside a Pumkin and  take a closer look at the skin and flesh of Apples and Pumpkins. The children have also made chocolate apples which they really enjoyed and they watch the chocolate turn from a solid to a liquid they found this very exciting. We have been reading the Pumpkin Soup story and they were very good at predicting what would happen at the end of the story. In our Art lab the children made collage pictures of Apples and Pumpkins using different size pieces of paper along with designing their own Pumpkin, in the writing lab they drew faces on Pumpkins some of which were very scary!

Link letter

Theme vocabulary

Autumn Antics

(w/b 16th October) 

We have had a very exciting week learning about Autumn, we have collected different coloured leaves with our friends and we have learnt a lot about why the leaves change colour, we have sung Autumn songs and made Gruffalo masks along with reading the Gruffalo story. We also built caves for the Gruffalo using blocks. We have also been doing leaf printing using leaves, paper and wax crayons which the children really enjoyed., along with pretending to male some Autumn soup out of lentils and conkers for our friends. 

Link letter

Theme vocabulary

Fun with Friends

(w/b 9th October) 

This week we have been learning about Fun with Friends we have had a fun packed week from making friendship bracelets to partying with friends in our role play area. We had read the book Lost and Found and made Penguins out of card and cotton wool, we have also learned how to be a good friend and what makes a good friend we have sang songs about friends and shown kindness to one another. 

Link letter

Theme vocabulary

Fun with Families

(w/b 2nd October) 

This week we have been learning about fun with families we have looked at our own families and who lives with us and the fun things we do with our families, we have also  drawn pictures of different members of our families. We have read the book "A quiet night in" along with singing a lovely song about families. The children have also enjoyed playing the role play area with their friends and bathing and washing the dolls in the water lab.

Link letter

Theme vocabulary

How do you feel!

(w/b 25th September)

This week we have been learning about how we feel, we have been doing lots of fun learning and activities we put Humpty Dumpty back together again to make him feel happy again we have also been doing expressive painting to various pieces of music which we were able to show our emotions through. We have same some lovely songs about feelings and we were able to express a lot of emotion through singing. Children were also taking pictures of their friends on iPads to see how they were feeling, we also had a hospital in our role play area where the children looked after their friends and treated them to make them feel better.

Link letter

Theme vocabulary

My Body

(w/b 18th September)

This week we have been learning about "My Body" We have been looking at how are bodies move and if we were a Super Hero which one would we be, we have made Super Hero masks using different media. Our theme book we have been reading is Supertato which the children really enjoyed we even had a Super Hero Headquarters in our Role play area where we could answer emergency calls and put on our capes to save the day!

Link letter

Theme vocabulary

Marvellous Me!

(w/b 11th September)

This week we have been leaning about Marvellous me, we have been very busy with lots of different activities. We have been looking in mirrors and drawing our faces, looking at all about me booklets along with the children's baby pictures from when they were babies, learning the vocabulary for parts of the body and what they are used for ie: ears - listen, eyes- see, elbow - to bend, we have also been reading Incredible you.

Link letter

Theme vocabulary