Special Educational Needs and Disability
Special Education Needs Information Report
Please click here to access the Special Needs and Disability Policy
King's Hedges Graduated Response for SEND
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Click here to view Cambridgeshire SEND strategies and policies
King’s Hedges Educational Federation are committed to meeting the needs of all our pupils and prioritise raising the achievement of all children.
In the academic year 2022-23 3.1% of our children have an Education, Health & Care Plan and 19% of our children are on the SEND register.
Some pupils will have greater difficulty in learning or developing than the majority of children of their age. This can be permanently or just for a period of time. Some may have disabilities, which prevent or make it harder for them to use the facilities provided for our pupils. We will consider the individual needs of these pupils and make reasonable adjustments as needed, working in partnership with home, school or other agencies as necessary.
All pupils have an opportunity to participate in the broad and balanced curriculum of the school and have access to a variety of activities. Pupils with SEND will be encouraged to become independent learners and take on responsibilities within the school as appropriate for their age.
King’s Hedges uses the Graduated Response approach to provide help for pupils with special educational needs as stated by the Code of Practice (2014).
Our Special Needs Co-ordinators are Sarah Duncanson-Hunter (Early years and year 1) and Jessica Mattingly (year 2-6).
For more information, please see the report below.
'Provision for pupils with SEND is based on their individual needs, and funding is used effectively to support them. Pupils with SEND were observed to be integrated well into mainstream classes and are able to access the same curriculum as their peers. This is in large part due to the support of well-trained teaching assistants, who know pupils very well and are sensitive to the needs.' OFSTED 2019
Vulnerable Pupils / Pupils with SEND.
Excellence achieved through care, creativity and challenge.
We believe that through quality first teaching all pupils can make progress and most pupils can achieve age related educational outcomes. We believe that all pupils should be taught by their class teacher in their classrooms with their peers. We include vulnerable pupils in all aspects of school life. Our pupils are inclusive of those with differences and needs.
We use adaptive teaching groups (ATGs) to decide on the most appropriate class group for each pupil. We use our knowledge of the pupils and assessment data to decide which ATG is best suited to the pupil. These are fluid groupings and pupils transition between the groups depending on their needs and strengths within each area of the curriculum. Where pupils are working significantly below their chronological age and access to an age-appropriate curriculum is difficult, teachers will follow programmes of study from younger year groups in order to meet their needs.
The school’s Ordinarily Available Provision (OAP) handbook records all support, interventions and adjustments that staff can make in order to meet pupils’ needs. Provision for any vulnerable pupil is recorded on the year group’s Vulnerable Group Action Plan (VGAP).
Targets are set for vulnerable pupils to work towards and these are reviewed each term. These list the provision and adaptations, beyond the ATG, that is in place for each pupil to support them in achieving their targets. For children with SEND, these form the assess, plan, do, review cycles. If pupils continue to make limited progress, support is requested from outside agencies (educational psychologist, specialist teachers, speech and language therapists, community pediatrician etc.) An Education, Health and Care Plan may be requested if pupils meet the criteria and we feel we can no longer support them through our delegated SEND budget.
Some of our pupils require more specialist support than the above. Where this is needed, we have well trained teaching assistants who support individual targets.
Assessment for learning shows that pupils’ needs are met in class, with their peers and class teacher. Pupils have the skills and resilience to transition successfully into Reception or to secondary school. Pupils are fully included in all aspects of school life.
These can be found in the OAP booklet and include opportunities such as Ready, Steady Go and BOT Club. We also offer wrap around provision to all pupils, where needed.