01223 518330

Northfield Avenue, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB4 2HU


King's Hedges Educational Federation

Excellence, achieved through care, creativity and challenge.

King's Hedges Educational Federation

Excellence, achieved through care, creativity and challenge.

Religion and World Views

In line with the Cambridgeshire curriculum for Religious Education (R.E.), all year groups at King's Hedges study the religion of Christianity and other religions/World Views as a 50/50 split.

Easter Church Trip All Years.

Every child in every year group had the opportunity to visit ‘The Church of the Good Shepherd’ in the week following the Easter holidays. The trip was progressive across the year groups and so every year group had a different activity focusing on their enquiry question. Some great Easter themed work took place before and after the trip. Here are some photo’s taken across the year groups of the trip:

Religion and World Views


Excellence achieved through care, creativity and challenge.



All pupils are tolerant, open minded and knowledgeable about different faiths.



Our Religion and World Views curriculum is taught each half term separated into six themes across the year. Each theme focuses on a religion with a concept or question to activate children’s deeper thinking.  A knowledge organiser with key information to guide pupils, teachers and parents is written for each theme. They are sent home at the beginning of theme so that parents can support children with their learning.


We use the Cambridgeshire Locally Agreed Syllabus as a starting point. The RE curriculum is separated into two areas. Pupils are taught to learn about religions and beliefs and they are taught from religions and beliefs linking this to their own lives. This allows the pupils to make connections, deepen their knowledge and understanding and become more understanding and tolerant of others.


We explicitly teach the beliefs and practices of the following religions – Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Humanism and Judaism (AT1 - ABOUT). We teach the children to make links, compare and how to articulate this to others (AT2 - FROM).

Christianity is taught in every year because the majority of our families who have identified a religion, classify as being of Christian faith. We have a high number of pupils with different faiths, from different backgrounds and with different experiences and opportunities. We also have a number of families who have lived in the area for many generations who have no faith. Therefore, we teach 6 core faiths to ensure all families are included and valued and pupils have a broad knowledge.

AT2 skills are taught through Philosophy for Children questions. These support pupils to explore concepts and are a starting point for pupil discussion. They also allow pupils to practise vocabulary they have learnt. Across all lessons, progressive vocabulary is taught and modelled by the teacher.


Assessment for learning is used to ensure that pupils build on their knowledge each year and within each lesson. This helps guide teachers in next steps. Pupils recap what they have learnt previously before moving on to new learning and children are ready for the next stage of their learning. Evidence gathered shows that children have learnt more and remembered more over time and more pupils meet age related expectations. Pupils talk, pupils know, pupils are tolerant and open minded to the beliefs of others.



We visit places of faith to give pupils first hand experiences. We have monthly assemblies led by our local Vicar.