01223 518330

Northfield Avenue, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB4 2HU


King's Hedges Educational Federation

Excellence, achieved through care, creativity and challenge.

King's Hedges Educational Federation

Excellence, achieved through care, creativity and challenge.


(Space, Shape and Measure)

For SSM the teachers are planning 3 sessions each week that link to the correct curriculum for the year your child is currently in. They will be subjects including:

  • Money
  • Shape
  • Time
  • Length
  • Mass
  • Graph work

A lot of this work will be very practical and may use household objects e.g. coins, containers, tape measures and scales. Don't worry! The videos usually provide options if you don't have those exact items.

We will be taking most of these lessons from recommended and proven sources including:

BBC Bitesize - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize

Oak Academy - https://classroom.thenational.academy/

White Rose Maths - https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/


We will always try to provide a video or clear guide for the lessons each week.