01223 518330

Northfield Avenue, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB4 2HU


King's Hedges Educational Federation

Excellence, achieved through care, creativity and challenge.

King's Hedges Educational Federation

Excellence, achieved through care, creativity and challenge.





Excellence achieved through care, creativity and challenge.



Our Geography curriculum is designed to give our pupils geographical experiences through developing a sense of curiosity about people, cultures and communities, and understanding the relationships between people and the environment in which they live. Our pupils are encouraged to investigate different places around the world, recognising and appreciating the similarities and differences in the way that we live. By building cultural capitalism, our pupils develop not only an understanding of the wider world, but the ability to communicate confidently about our place within it.



In our catchment, some pupils do not have opportunity to explore beyond our immediate locality so one of our main aims is to provide every pupil with an understanding of where King’s Hedges fits within the city of Cambridge, the surrounding area of the east of England and in the context of the United Kingdom. By deepening knowledge of people, places and the cultures within Cambridge, pupils are better able to note similarities and differences across the country and across the world.


Our four purple threads are taken from the Statutory National Curriculum: Geographical Skills and Fieldwork, Locational Knowledge, Human and Physical Processes and Place Knowledge. Pupils are encouraged to make connections to places learnt about in previous years through Geography themes which are taught termly. The themes deepen pupil’s understanding of places, providing a geographical context for understanding the actions of physical and human processes and how these are interdependent. Some geographical statements are taught during other subject-focused themes to help contextualise pupils’ knowledge of how and where people have moved to or from historically and how this impacts that place in the world today. Pupils communicate their understanding numerically and statistically, through application of data to tables and graphs, sometimes applying this learning in Shape, Space and Measure Maths lessons. Pupils also apply their geographical knowledge through writing and R4M; learnt Geography content provides opportunity for pupils to engage in R4M texts, complete Reading 4 Research and write a range of text types including explanations and reports.


We have a range of resources to support pupils working geographically, providing progressive, practical opportunities to develop perspective, distance, scale, and direction through globes and map making and reading. We have selected the most important geographical vocabulary which is used first in Nursery and built upon this throughout the rest of the school. An awareness of the world around us is promoted through continuous provision: within classrooms as well as other spaces around the school. Opportunities are planned to apply learnt skills through completing fieldwork in and round the school site as well as during visits to places in and around Cambridge, giving purpose to their learning.



Pupils become increasingly confident in Geography, leaving KHEF with the skills, knowledge and vocabulary to communicate their understanding. Pupils are more tolerant and have an interest and appreciation of other cultures, people and places. Assessment grids through KPIs inform teachers’ assessment and future planning. The use of Knowledge Organisers , highlighted to demonstrate pupils’ learning are kept in the AM folders show progression and acquisition of skills.



Through primary and secondary fieldwork opportunities, Big Bangs and educational visits, pupils have first-hand experience of working geographically: using compasses, maps, globes, atlases and measuring equipment to accurately record and interpret their findings. Opportunities to further extend knowledge of this subject are used in assemblies and annual whole school projects.

Geography Progression

Knowledge Organisers are available here: www.kingshedgesprimary.org.uk/learning/knowledge-organisers