01223 518330

Northfield Avenue, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB4 2HU


King's Hedges Educational Federation

Excellence, achieved through care, creativity and challenge.

King's Hedges Educational Federation

Excellence, achieved through care, creativity and challenge.

Y6 Spring 2016

Should animals be kept in captivity

After visiting Shepreth Wildlife Park, Pandas had a philosophical afternoon discussing whether it was right or wrong for animals to be kept in captivity.
The afternoon started with a story, Zoo by Anthony Browne, which the children acted through a 'whoosh' lead by Miss Collen. Children were then given parts of the story to create a freeze frame for.

Whilst looking at the freeze frames, children took part in an open discussion about what they could see and what the effects were. This lead to an debate about whether animals should be left in the wild or used for entertainment.
From this activity, children began to plan their discursive arguments considering arguments for and against the controversial issue. Before completing their writing, they debated the issue in small groups and then in two groups, one for one against.

As this was a part of science week, Ellie N and Joshua K read their discursive arguments out in assembly.


World Book Day

Year 6 went around to the other classes and offices and read stories they had written themselves on World Book Day.


Science Week - DNA activities

During Science Week we had a visit from a lady called Amy Johnson who talked to us about DNA. We learned about fingerprints, the different types of loops, whorls and swirls and also found out how to take our own fingerprints.