01223 518330

Northfield Avenue, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB4 2HU


King's Hedges Educational Federation

Excellence, achieved through care, creativity and challenge.

King's Hedges Educational Federation

Excellence, achieved through care, creativity and challenge.

Y6 Summer 2016

World Record Attempt!

On Friday 24th June, year 6 took part in a bid to break a Guinness World Record for having the most amount of children reading the same text at the same time. The children joined together to watch J.K. Rowling read from her book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and then listen to Miss Gray continue to read the first chapter.

We await to see whether or not the bid will be accepted.


Year 6 Bonanza!

After the half-term, the year 6 children put their heads together and (with help from the teachers) organised a Bonanza to raise the funds for their end-of-year treat. The children set about deciding the stalls, what contributions they needed to make and also made attractive posters for around the school. Once they were prepared, the doors opened and floods of parents and children came to spend their pennies.

The Bonanza had a range of stalls, all run by the children themselves. Visitors had the chance to buy cakes, sweets and drink; they also could name the teddy, guess the amount in a jar and knock the cans down at ‘tincan alley’. All the children got involved and used their charm to attract the customers.

In total, the children raised a fantastic £919.20!!!! They will now be able to fund their full trip to Bedford Oasis, how exciting!

The year 6 children and team would like to thank all the parents who made contributions to the running of the stalls and also to those who attended the Bonanza, we all really appreciate it.